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USA News

Franklin Graham weighs in on the state of Christianity in the UK

by Lydia Davies

Popular evangelist Franklin Graham has shared his views on the state of Christianity in the UK.

Continuing the legacy of his late father, Billy Graham, Revd Graham told Premier Christian News: “I think the Church in the UK... is facing many problems; one of the big problems... is the authority of scripture.

“Many Churches have moved away from the authority of God's word.”

Graham is visiting the UK as part of his God Loves You preaching tour.

He explained: “I'm not coming to the UK as a Bible teacher. I'm just coming as an evangelist because I believe God's word is true and the Bible says that we have all sinned.

“We've all fallen short of God's glory or his standards and the Bible is very clear that the penalty of sin is death."

When comparing Christianity in the UK and the USA, Graham noted that we are all encountering similar "challenges".

“Of course, the state of the Church, whether it's here in the United States or anywhere else in the world... I think is similar, and there are always struggles, always problems, always challenges," he said. "But that doesn’t stop us from trying to do what we can to share God’s love with everyone.”

Some 450 churches across the Midlands have collaborated to bring Graham's free event to Resorts World Arena in Birmingham on 15th June and the OVO Hydro in Glasgow on 22nd June. 

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