Revd Libby Lane will be consecrated as Bishop of Stockport at York Minster on Monday and the Church of England has released a new film, shot on the day it was announced that she would be the Church of England's first female bishop.
In the film Libby says: "Knowing Jesus made sense to me as a teenager and if my appointment encourages a single young woman to lift her eyes up a bit and to realise that she has capacity and potential and that her environment or those around her don't need to dictate what is possible for her, then I'd be really honoured if that were the case."
The 48-year-old also talks about her family and her journey of faith recalling her first visit to church when she was 11 years old: "I went the first week, enjoyed it and went back the second week and the fact the vicar and members of the congregation remembered my name and remembered things about me made a huge impression on me at that age.
"They welcomed me into the extended family of the church and included me. really graciously and gently alongside them taking me seriously and nurturing me in ways that made me feel included and respected and that I had things to contribute.
"So they loved me into faith but they also undoubtedly nurtured my sense of vocation."