It comes as Churches across the country celebrate World Blood Donor Day with their local communities; inviting people to register as blood donors and arranging parish visits to local blood donor sessions, as part of the 'fleshandblood' campaign.
Launched in 2012, 'fleshandblood' is the first national initiative between the Church and NHS, encouraging Christians to consider blood and organ donation as a part of their giving.
Sunday's release of survey results finds that, in the two years since the campaign's launch, there has been a 77% increase in the number of local churches that talk about blood and organ donation alongside an accompanying increase in new donors from within the Christian community.
However, 40% fewer new volunteers from the general population came forward across England and North Wales to give blood last year compared to a decade ago.
Writing for the Church of England this week, the Bishop of Carlisle, Rt Rev James Newcombe says: "Whenyou visit a donor session, the smiling nurses who attend to you and put you at ease actually take 10% of your body's blood volume.
"A perfect tithe...I do hope that many more who call themselves followers of Jesus may choose to offer a tithe of their blood as a gift to strangers whom they will never knowingly meet as a natural act of faith, asking in return only a cup of tea and a digestive biscuit."