This year has been dedicated to media professionals who are working in dangerous circumstances in the Middle East and other conflict zones.
Day of Prayer said the recent murders of reporters, camera people and other journalists shows how dangerous the job can be at times.
It also praised those who work behind the scenes for all media production.
Former Premier presenter and trustee of the Network, Andy Walton, told Premier people often think of celebrities and TV personalities, but that is not the case: "There's a whole army of people - I think unpaid of interns, journalists on local newspapers being paid a really small amount of money, I think of the people doing the technical stuff in in all sorts of media outlets."
Andy Walton stressed how important the job was and how much it affected people's knowledge and information about the world.
He said: "How are we supposed to know what's happening to our Christian sisters and brothers in the Middle East for instance, without those brave journalists, reporters, camera people, reporting on it - we just would have no idea really.