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UK News

Daughter wins sanctity of life case for Christian father

by Aaron James

Health bosses at Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board asked a judge at the Court of Protection (above) to consider whether continuing ''active'' treatment was in the best interests of the 81-year-old, saying he was showing no signs of awareness and that treatment could be causing him pain.

But his daughter said her father was a Christian who believed in the sanctity of life and that he would want God - not doctors - to decide when he died.

Mr Justice Hayden said on Thursday the balance of evidence tipped "in favour of supporting life".

The judge added the man died shortly after his daughter was told of the decision to rule in her favour - and before the ruling had been made public.

He said the former Swansea City FC supporter and steelworker had "died peacefully in hospital".

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