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Christian nature program receive support from Kanye West, Kirk Cameron

by Premier Journalist
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Promotional Images/Riot and The Dance

A new nature documentary with Christian themes has received support from several celebrity names, including Kanye West and Kirk Cameron.

"The Riot and the Dance" is a nature documentary that explicitly attempts to frame the show's narrative around the notion that creation was designed and refined by a divine Creator. While the show is not the first nature documentary to present such a message, Gordon Wilson describes the program as the first "High production" nature series. The show is produced in partnership with Angel Studios, the company which distributes The Chosen. The show recently released its pilot online for people to view but is looking for people to back the program to produce an entire season in the coming years.

The show has already received support from several Christian celebrities, including Kirk Cameron, Kanye West, and The Chosen producer Dallas Jenkins. In a promotional video, Jenkins describes the project as a twofold initiative; "Number one, it's a look what God did, like, check out what God did; let's learn about it, let's engage with it, let's teach our kids to love it more and to nurture it more. But then, also, it becomes a celebration; it's like a worship experience. I feel like I love God more and want to worship Him more because of all the amazing things that this documentary series is showing me."

Show creator Gordon Wilson told the Christian Post that "working on 'The Riot and The Dance' is more than a dream come true. For a scientist and animal lover, there's nothing like adventuring in the field. And now, thanks to our fantastic production crew, I can bring millions of families along for the ride, celebrating creation and the Artist behind every fantastic critter."


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