CARE was commenting after new research showed that more than half of stay-at-home mums said they want to go out to work but feel trapped by a lack of suitable childcare.
The new study by the Department for Education questioned over six thousand parents and found a third of mothers who do have jobs would rather be at home but cannot afford not to work.
James Mildred from the Christian charity CARE told Premier's News Hour society should better recognise the role of stay at home mums.
Commenting on the figures, he said: "This speaks to the fact that at the moment, the whole idea of marriage, the whole idea of a traditional family model is increasingly de-incentivised within our society, there's a terrible stigma that's been attached to stay-at-home mothers, as if somehow because they're not working that they're doing something bad."
He continued: "Within the Christian community especially many parents do choose to stay at home, both mothers and fathers. That should be encouraged - we should be supporting them.
"There is a way the chancellor can do that in his Budget - he should expand the marriage tax break and send that really powerful message to stay-at-home parents, that they're going to be helped rather than stigmatised."
Listen to Premier's Alex Williams speak to James Mildred here: