Christian environmental charity A Rocha is urging Christians to "really step up and take action" on climate change.
Speaking to Premier, Andy Lester, conservation director for A Rocha, said that Christians have a key role to play.
"We are called to be people who had his hands and his feet for liberating creation from the groaning at a very challenging time for the planet" he said. "There's many things we can do and the scripture is really clear that it's up to us to take lead, with many of our other brothers and sisters from other faith groups or non-faith groups" he continued.
His remarks come as the Met Office has warned that snow on the ground in the UK could become scarce by the end of the century.
"Snow is going to be one of those things we're going to see less and less of, unless you happen to be at the top of the mountains in the north of Scotland, where you got a few more years of it. That's not to say that we won't get any snow over the next 20 years, it just makes it much less frequent" Andy Lester explained.
New projections have suggested that if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, only very high ground and parts of northern Scotland will drop to below freezing by 2080.
Predictions also suggest hotter, drier summers are also more likely.
"Changes at the Poles are far more dramatic than the changes that we're seeing, which is part of the reason for thinking 'It's not that bad,'" Andy Lester said. "We haven't seen anything yet. It's the impacts that are yet to come that we're needing to mitigate against and fight against over the course of the next few years," he continued.
The World Meteorological Organisation has projected 2020 will be the third hottest year on record, just behind 2016 and 2019.