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UK News

Archbishops to attend Spring Harvest

The Archbishop of Canterbury will join the thousands gathered at the Butlins resort in Minehead while the Archbishop of York will travel to Skegness.

The events, which take place in April, will focus on unity this year with the theme being 'One for All'.

Both archbishops have previously spoken of their concern for this issue.

Malcolm Duncan from Sprint Harvest said: "It is a vital question for us to consider at this time.

"It is a much bigger issue than just how congregations and denominations relate to one another. God does not want us to build fences and to hide ourselves away from one another. He wants us to be one.

"There is enough suspicion and criticism outside of the Church without us bringing it inside as well. If we want the Church to do better at unity, we need to work out how to help those of us who are part of the Church to become more like Jesus and treat one another the way he would."

Spring Harvest

Spring Harvest launched in 1979 as a cross-denomination conference.

This year's speakers include theologian Dr Paula Gooder, 24/7 Prayer's Pete Greig along with Premier's Justin Brierley and Jamie Cutteridge.

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