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Around one fifth of the 3,000 people questioned for the survey also claim they never see their neighbours to even say hello. Nearly 40 percent of Brits don't think they'd have anything in common with...

Christian charity says churches should do more to prepare couples for the difficulties of married life. Churches should do more to prepare couples for the difficulties of married life, according to a...

The cost of living remains the hottest political issue as prices rise faster than most people's incomes. Energy price rises in the last week have sharpened the Economic recovery is all well and good...

In both domestic and foreign policy voices of caution prevailed this week. Domestically this was surprising. With a growth rate of 1.9% last year and forecasts Economists predict that by mid-year th...

Even though Fitch, the Ratings Agency, has downgraded the UK's credit worthiness from AAA to AA+, the Chancellor will take some comfort from the latest economic £120.6 billion of government borrowin...

The health watchdog for England and Wales is insisting its plan to pay for overweight and obese people to go to slimming clubs will save the NHS money. The health watchdog for England and Wales is in...

The Scottish Government could face a legal challenge over its controversial decision to allow women to take abortion pills at home. While pro-choice campaigners welcomed the move, the Society for the...

It comes after court rules some shelters which rely on benefit payments for money can't be described as a dwellings. Hundreds of vulnerable homeless people could be forced out of sheltered accom...

In one sense conference speeches follow a predictable pattern. They rubbish their opponents and trumpet their own achievements. At the same time they can be ver Nick Clegg claimed credit for all the ...

Last week's local elections created a stir when UKIP took a quarter of the votes cast but impartial analysis suggests it is too soon to draw conclusions for the These elections were for 35 English Co...

Christian charity backs proposals in new Modern Day Slavery Bill which also aims to create Anti-Slavery Commissioner post. Human traffickers could be given maximum life sentences in jail under propos...

John Paculabo, or John Pac as he was affectionately known, lost his seven month cancer battle last month. Hundreds have gathered for the thanksgiving funeral service for the founder of Kingsway Music...

Church Action on Poverty blames government cuts to social welfare payments as survey finds more than 5 million British families cut back on food last year to st Church Action on Poverty has claimed t...

In an amusing speech to the Oxford Union the late Gerard Hoffnung advised foreign tourists in London to ignore all left and right signs, "they are merely politi I recalled this whilst reading a chall...

There's a warning over the rise of indecent images of children available over the internet. The spread of indecent images of children over the internet has been earmarked as the greatest threat to th...

The Eastleigh by-election to replace Chris Huhne last Thursday was won by the Liberal Democrats. The shock was UKIP coming second with the Conservatives and Lab Was this just a typical by-election re...

Predictions based on new analysis of data from Britain's religions and age groups from the 2011 census. Population experts are predicting that Muslims who worship could eventually outnumber practisin...

Bill Clinton's slogan came to mind this week. The retiring Governor of the Bank of England published his final report on the state of the economy but the headli Despite the PM's draft Bill committing...

The health watchdog is changing its recommendations for fertility treatment on the NHS in England and Wales. For the first time, same sex couples and women aged between 40 and 42 will be offered IVF....

The truth about what Andrew Mitchell said to the policeman in Downing Street matters to us all, not just to those directly involved. Mitchell has admitted that Allegations that a member of the publi...